Top 12 websites for downloading E-Books

In the rapidly changing world, no matter what your age, occupation, gender or profession is, learning has become inevitable. However, not all of us are capable of spending huge amounts of money on learning sources. The Internet has given us the opportunity to access world-class content from renowned experts at almost no cost. Here is a comprehensive list of free online resources. So, enjoy your learning and do give us a feedback on whether these proved to be useful to you!


It is a useful website for downloading a wide range of e-books (though the legal status is controversial so use at your own risk). Many popular novels, books- both technical and non-technical, can be easily downloaded from the site.

Visit the website at:

2. Library Genesis: 

It is a file-sharing website for scholarly journal articles, academic and general-interest books, images, comics, and magazines. The legal status of the site is again controversial and many countries have officially banned it but not by India, yet. Sometimes the extension of the website changes. If the following link doesn’t work, just search the name on the internet and you will be able to find a functioning website easily. The website can be accessed at   

 3National Digital Library:

NDL is an initiative of IIT Kharagpur and MHRD, India. The website has resources for users from primary level to higher education level and even life-long learners of our country. It provides educational materials in various languages, in all disciplines, in different forms of access devices and will cater to differently-abled learners as well. It hosts content in 11 languages viz. Hindi, English, Bengali, Assamese, Tamil, Marathi, Telugu, Gujrati, Oriya, Malayalam and Kannada.

Visit the site at


Here is another beautiful website for downloading reading material on various topics. Bookboon houses pdf files of e-books on a wide range of topics. Visit the website at 

  5. Ebooks Cart

    It is another website for downloading e-books. 

    Visit the website at 

 6Swayam Portal:

Courses are free of cost but those wanting to have a certificate are required to pay exam fees. The fees generally are in the range of INR 1000-1500.

UGC has already asked Universities to identify courses where credits can be transferred on to the academic record of the students for courses done on SWAYAM. A few universities accept courses completed from Swayam for awarding ‘credits’.

Visit the website at:

 7.  EdX

EdX is an online learning portal founded by Harvard and MIT. This is a fantastic source for world-class learning at no cost. Users can undertake courses from various disciplines and move ahead in their learning journey.

Visit the website at: 

8. Directory of Open Access Journal: 

Open access articles are the ones that can be accessed by anyone without any charges. DOAJ is a website providing one-point access to a large number of open access research papers.

Visit the website at:


     It is a platform for research students of Indian universities to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. The website has a database of more than 2,70,000 full length theses. The database has theses of all subjects including engineering, mathematics, medicine, arts, social sciences etc.

      Visit the website at:

      10. Resarchgate

Researchgate is a research sharing platform. You can call it facebook of researchers. The portal claims to have access to 130+ million publications and 17+ million user base.

Limitation: The user needs to have institutional e mail id mandatorily. Gmail, yahoo or other id hosts are not acceptable by the website.

Visit the website at:


It is a fantastic website for those preparing for Government job examinations. The website has many freely downloadable notes.

Visit the website at: 

12. Epustakalay:

Its a wonderful website for downloading books. The website is particularly useful for downloading Hindi Books.

Visit the website at:


We will keep updating this list regularly. So, if you know of any resource which we have missed out here, then please let us know and we will be more than happy to include it.




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