Catch them young

- Chandrashekhar Sangoi

Twitter: @simplewords48

This incident dates back to when I was about 9 years old. I was playing in the veranda at my maternal grandmother’s and a person, who was from my own village, passed from nearby. On seeing me on the way, he initiated a small talk with “how are you Chandrashekhar?” "I'm fine", I replied. And then he walked away. Then, my cousin elder brother, who had also come there on vacation, reached me and asked about that gentleman. I said, “He was an uncle from my village". “Did you offer him a pale of water?” I said, "no". On hearing this, he scolded me and said- “don’t you even know that if an acquaintance passes by our house, it is customary for us to offer them water at least?” I just nodded my head in denial. Seeing my naivety, he smiled lightly. He pacified his anger and said in a sweet voice that love, respect, and empathy are human virtues. At that time, I could not understand the meaning of his seemingly heavy words! Although, over the course of time, I was realized their meaning.

Many of such small, practical incidents have taught me that if meet a familiar or even unfamiliar person, our first duty is to be respectful, loving, and empathetic towards him/her. This is the first proof of our being a human being. I believe that when we show true respect, love, and empath towards all the creatures on earth, including trees and plants, then humanity reaches its zenith.

However, these qualities of mankind are such that can one learn them neither from just a single or few events nor by cramming them repetitively again and again.

For any seed, germination cannot be possible unless favorable conditions arise. Germination is possible only with suitable soil, atmosphere, and only if an adequate amount of fertilizer and water, sunlight, etc. are available. If there is any deficiency, either seed will not sprout and remain idle or will rot. And of course, it is foolish to desire fruit even before germination is possible. Similarly, germination of seed of humanity is possible in any person, provided appropriate conditions are available. Childhood is the most appropriate time for this germination. It is at that time, that mind is fresh and completely ignorant of the world. If such an untouched mind is nurtured in an appropriate, it can lead to the creation of a different human generation altogether. Catch them young as they say.

The best use of childhood can be made by parents by creating a suitably designed environment for the child. It should be an environment, in which the child can learn the art of love, compassion, respect for all the livings, confidence, and self-reliance. No book in the world can teach a child as much as he/she learns from his/her surroundings.

Parent’s own beliefs and behavior is the most important aspect of a child’s development. Is it possible that -

you keep smoking and your child will grow up as non-smoker or teetotaller?

you keep getting involved in petty fights and your child to have a calm nature?

you keep the evil of the whole world at home in front of the child and your child will learn to love others selflessly?

you live a non-sustainable lifestyle and your child grows up as an environment lover?

you go to the temple only out of fear or greed and your child becomes a true believer in God?

you despise your parents and your child becomes sacrosanct obedient to you?

Every child has an immense potential to reach the culmination of mankind. Every child can become next Sachin Tendulkar, Kiran Bedi, Kalpana Chawla, Swami Vivekananda, Dr. Kalam, Dr. Jagdish Chandra Basu, Aryabhatta, Sushruta, Ramanuja, Kalidas, Kabir or like any other epitomes of greatness.

Some children become violent after getting wrong impressions from the environment and others are forced to spend their lives like animals by becoming drunk. On the contrary, you can set the foundation of a bright future for your child by giving the right education, provided that you have treated them rightly. To impart human values in children, parents need to take the challenge of changing their own behavior first. Are we ready to do that?

All the books and lectures cannot change the future of upcoming generations. It will happen only when new and appropriate seeds of the right kinds of values are sowed in young minds. In the absence of this, all other efforts will just remain empty hopes.

No one person can save the earth and humanity and yet every single one of us has to come together to save it. We all have to fulfill our respective responsibilities. This is only one way left. Otherwise even science will not be able to save us, no matter how many advancements are made...

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