
Showing posts with the label Motivation

How to beat competition

(3 minute read) When I was in school, one day, one of our teachers encouraged our class to appear for Special Class Railway Apprentices ( SCRA) exam. The exam is held at national level. When he told us no one of got excited about the idea as in that year, they had 16 positions (only!) to fill. We mentioned it to him that Sir, there are only 16 positions and he casually replied that “so what if there are just 16 positions, you just need one!” While he was certainly true, we didn’t really bought the argument and thought him to be kind of crazy to say so! We are estimated to have 130+ crore people in India. A majority of our population is young and given that we also have a high rate of unemployment the number of candidates competing for any job position is very high. Also due to a high percentage of young population and a few number of good institutes,  the same is true for admission to these elite academic institutions. But do we really need to worry about the number of compe...

7 Android apps for self-transformation

  We present you a bouquet of 6 apps that can transform you life completely.  All these have a free version as well as paid versions. their free versions also are fantastic and can be extremely helpful in propelling your transformations. Some of these apps could also be available of Apple store, I haven't checked it. And the cliched statement- "so without wasting time let's get started" ;) 7 minutes workout A healthy mind resides in healthy body. Gym and Yoga are always recommended. But For some Gym seem costly and Yoga too complex. Moreover, in our all busy lives, taking out even an hour is really difficult sometimes. This app guides you though 7 minute exercise sessions. You may use this app to  lose weight, get a flat tummy & strengthen your abdominal muscles.  The app has small videos that show you how to perform each exercise so that you don't end up doing them incorrectly. The 7 minute workout consists of only 12 exercises to be done for 30 second...

My favourite motivational quotes

  Hi, Today I want to share with your the best motivational quotes, which I like the most. Whenever I feel depressed and demotivated, I read or remind them and find motivation instantly. I hope they will help you too: Quote 1: It always seems impossible until it's done.  - Nelson Mandela  Pretty must self-explanatory! Not just researchers, but many common people across the world have achieved feats that were once thought to be impossible to accomplish. And trust me, being a researcher myself, I have experienced it myself. Quote 2: This one is by James Clear, the renowned author says: "Sometimes people think lack of clarity as a lack of motivation" Sometimes it's just that you don't know clearly what your next step is and hence sit perplexed. This is misinterpreted as a lack of motivation while it is actually a lack of clarity. So, whenever you don't feel like working on your project, studying for exams or so on, do a rain check if its the lack of clarity of wh...

Rafale is not enough!

- Pratik Badgujar   3 Minute Read It is 29th July 2020 today and India has received her first batch of 5 out of 36 Rafale fighter aircraft purchased from France. This inclusion of Rafale will boost the combat capabilities of the Indian Air Force (IAF) significantly. Frankly speaking, I am not much happy at the moment. After all, we have just purchased Rafale and not developed ourselves. I understand that purchasing war equipment is not like buying groceries. A lot of diplomatic touches are required to convince a country to sell its war equipment to us and hence completing a military purchase is a victory of Indian Diplomacy in some sense. Rafale was first inducted in French Navy in 2000 and was inducted in its Air Force in 2008. So, by that standard, we are still at least 12 years behind the French Air Force. In these 12 years, French defense companies/military research must have certainly advanced further. India produces the largest number of engineers in the world. The numb...

जीवन की अपूर्णता का अंत वर्तमान में है।

- चन्‍द्रशेखर संगोई आए दिन लोगो से चर्चा के दौरान जब भी यह  पूछता हूँ की “ आपका जीवन कैसा चल रहा है ”, तो जवाब अधिकांशत: नकारात्‍म लहजे में ही मिलता है; “ जीवन में कुछ खास नहीं चल रहा बस कट रहा है ”, इसी तरह के अन्‍य जवाब मिलते है। पहले इसलिए परेशान थे कि जीवन में बहुत भाग-दौड़ है , और जब कोरोना महामारी फैलने के कारण हुए लॉकडाउन के बाद जिंदगी की भाग-दौड़ पर कहीं अल्‍पविराम लगा तो कहीं पूर्णविराम भी लगा , तब भी वे सभी लोग खुश दिखाई नहीं दिये। लोग जीवन से क्‍या चाहते हैं , क्‍या वे खुद यह बात जानते है ? हम लोग जीवन की सुंदरता को क्‍यों नहीं देख पा रहे हैं ? शांति महसूस क्‍यों नहीं कर पा रहें हैं ? आप सृष्टि के निर्माता को जिस भी नाम से जाने , आप उसे भगवान कहें , गॉड कहें , प्रकृति कहें या और कुछ , उसने सृष्टि को इसी तरह से बनाया है कि उसमें कोई भी कमी नहीं है। वह अपने आप में परिपूर्ण है , अपने आप में सुंदर है , जिसमें आपका जीवन भी शामिल है । हमारे जीवन की सभी आवश्यकताओं जैसे हवा , पानी , भोजन आदि को प्रकृति ने मुफ्त में पूरा किया है। उदाहरण के लिए ...