How to beat competition
(3 minute read) When I was in school, one day, one of our teachers encouraged our class to appear for Special Class Railway Apprentices ( SCRA) exam. The exam is held at national level. When he told us no one of got excited about the idea as in that year, they had 16 positions (only!) to fill. We mentioned it to him that Sir, there are only 16 positions and he casually replied that “so what if there are just 16 positions, you just need one!” While he was certainly true, we didn’t really bought the argument and thought him to be kind of crazy to say so! We are estimated to have 130+ crore people in India. A majority of our population is young and given that we also have a high rate of unemployment the number of candidates competing for any job position is very high. Also due to a high percentage of young population and a few number of good institutes, the same is true for admission to these elite academic institutions. But do we really need to worry about the number of compe...