My favourite motivational quotes
Hi, Today I want to share with your the best motivational quotes, which I like the most. Whenever I feel depressed and demotivated, I read or remind them and find motivation instantly. I hope they will help you too: Quote 1: It always seems impossible until it's done. - Nelson Mandela Pretty must self-explanatory! Not just researchers, but many common people across the world have achieved feats that were once thought to be impossible to accomplish. And trust me, being a researcher myself, I have experienced it myself. Quote 2: This one is by James Clear, the renowned author says: "Sometimes people think lack of clarity as a lack of motivation" Sometimes it's just that you don't know clearly what your next step is and hence sit perplexed. This is misinterpreted as a lack of motivation while it is actually a lack of clarity. So, whenever you don't feel like working on your project, studying for exams or so on, do a rain check if its the lack of clarity of wh...