First Principle for a Disease free life
- Chandrashekhar Sangoi Twitter: @simplewords48 A few months ago, I got an opportunity to visit my friend at his house. On visiting him I was pleased to know that once a week, all the members of the family would observe fast collectively. The next day to the day I visited, the same fast was scheduled. That night all of his family members had dinner a bit late than usual so that they don’t feel hungry early the next day. With my understanding of fast, I assumed that they will not eat anything the next day. However, I was taken aback by what I saw! In the early morning itself, different dishes were prepared for the fast. Fruits were purchased, potato wafers, sago khichdi were made and even sweets were arranged! The schedule for eating each dish was fixed. I was surprised and wondered whether is this what fasting is all about? I observed around a few months and found that this situation is prevalent in society. Only the menu of food changes in the name of fasting and the central i...